Monday, December 30, 2013

107th Passage

Today has been rather unpleasant, so I need some writing therapy. What better excuse than that to write my top ten of 2013?
This is a yearly tradition for me. Remember the rules? I will write the 10 things that had the most impact in my life in 2013 in chronological order. And it doesn't have to be good things. Bad things count as well. This year, however, was pretty positive, all around.

1.In January I decided to potty train Lydia. It certainly wasn't smooth sailing, but we got her done!

2. Early in the year I found out I was pregnant again! We were excited, but wary, what with my history of miscarriage. But this one stuck, and we made an announcement at 13 weeks, the end of April.

3. In March, David and I had our first anniversary, which we spent in Boise at the Anniversary Inn. It seems crazy, right now, that we haven't even been married for two years yet. But it's been a great almost two years!

4. Sometime around tax return season, we paid off our van. Hooray for traveling down the road of becoming debt free. We've still got quite a ways to go though...

5. On April 20th, David and I were sealed in the temple. A wonderful occasion, a wonderful day, a wonderful memory, a wonderful blessing.

6. Karate! I got to take lessons with the older boys and David. I actually loved it, particularly after getting the yellow belt and being able to spar. I would love to take lessons again, especially if I could do it at a faster than little boy pace. :)

7. Summer. This is kind of a cop out, but I didn't know how else to do it! We had an awesome camping trip with my family, that would have been better if it wasn't in 100+ degree weather and if there was shade. We also got to spend a lot of time with the Poston's since David's brother Matthew and his family were visiting from Virginia. We went camping with them as well. Lots of fun was had for sure.

8. I got to have an afternoon date with David in McCall! We visited places that were sentimental to us because of our honeymoon spent there. Fun times.

9. There were quite a few concerns during this pregnancy. Ultra sounds showed bright spots where there shouldn't be any. For awhile there we were concerned about cystic fibrosis, or other problems. Not fun to always have that in the back of your mind whenever you think about the precious little one growing inside of you. But it all resolved itself; yet another blessing from God.

10. Last, but not least, I had a baby! Sweetie-pie Allison joined our family in November. We love her oh so much.

That was our year in a nutshell. I look forward to the next year with my love and cute family.

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