Monday, December 2, 2013

Post-it #144

It must be overwhelming to be the fifth child. It means you have four older siblings who always want to touch you. And they especially seem to want to touch your face.
All the kids love their new baby sister, and think she's so cute. But Morgan and Lydia have really taken to her. Maybe because Lydia is a girl and has that innate love of babies, and maybe because Morgan is a super protective and loving older brother.
These two are always asking to hold Allison.

Morgan does a great job. Lydia...not so much. I really don't let her do it alone. The picture above is probably the only time I wasn't there holding Allison with Lydia. Lydia isn't very gentle, and there might be a little resentment there too. She has been known to hit her sister for no reason, which is, of course, a big no-no. Yet Lydia always wants to help her if she cries and gives Alli the binky, and tries to hug her to sooth her. Unfortunately Lydia's hugs are more likely to hurt or smother the baby...

Morgan is great though. The other day I had him sit in the glider and hold Allison while I put my makeup on. Lydia wanted in on the action so she climbed up into the chair with him and together they cooed over their new sister. It was kinda precious and I got the pictures to prove it. 

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