Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Fifty-fifth Passage


She is just about potty trained. She hasn't had an accident for several days, she doesn't need a diaper at nap time, or when we go places. It kind of just clicked, I guess. After weeks of trying to potty train her, it was still hit and miss. One day would be flawless, the next would have her in her fourth pair of underwear by lunch. But sometime within the last week, the accidents suddenly ceased.
I put her in a diaper at night time. That's usually when she poops. She won't try it in the toilet. And ever since we started potty training she holds it in for DAYS. No bueno. I've put candy in the bathroom where she can see it, so act as a motivator. She can have it when she poops in the toilet! That's what I did with Morgan and Owen, (their prizes were a hotwheels car, and fancy balloons, respectively) but even though Lydia is a candy fiend, she acts completely uninterested when she realizes that I won't give it to her without a price. Sigh.

In other Lydia news, she's kinda a little meanie. Ever since she was very young, like, pre-walking, she has taken pleasure in stealing things from people. I remember watching her in fascination as she stalked slowly up to something someone was using, but had set down, or something, and, acting nonchalant, hung around for a bit. Then, when it was least expected, her little baby hand would dart out and snatch away whatever it was that she thought the other person wanted. And she would laugh.
Now that she is two, it's not as funny. She is always stealing toys from her brothers, then running away screaming. And she doesn't take them to play with them, she takes them to take them. She throws them, or stashes them in a closet and slams the door, or slides them in hard to reach places, like under the couch. It happens often during school time. She will grab a pencil or book from one of the boys and run to the door, throw it out in the hall, then close the door and try to hold it shut so the offended boy can't get it back, and she screams bloody murder when they try.
How do I get this to stop? She gets in trouble EVERY SINGLE TIME. She really isn't getting away with it. Yet her behavior continues.
She is such an imp.

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