Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Post-it #170

Allison wakes up pretty happy usually, and I love it. Check out her cuteness.

Allison is rolling over now, from her back to her stomach. But then she gets mad because she hates being on her tummy, and she can't roll back. She is also starting to do a little giggle thing, which is absolutely adorable. She's pretty ticklish too, but doesn't really know how to react to tickles.
We just love Allison. I can't believe she's almost four months old already.

Post-it #169

Monday was such a lovely weather day! It was t-shirt weather. I needed to clean out the van after our road trip, and needed Allison to be happy and close by. So I got out the stroller. Actually, David got it out and dusted all the cobwebs off of it for me. Yuck. Once we were sure there were no spiders, Alli got her first experience in the stroller. She really liked the motion of it. She was pretty fussy Monday, but if she was moving in the stroller she was happy, and usually sleeping.
Lydia enjoyed pushing the baby around too, which was nice, since cleaning out the car required me to not push the baby, and being still for too long brought forth crying.

Post-it #168

For the first time ever I did something fancyish to Lydia's hair. My mom used to do this to mine on occasion. 

Taking it out was kind of a pain.

115th Passage

We went to Utah for the weekend for my cousin's mission homecoming. It was a good visit. Before we went though, I ran to Walmart for an oil change. I just had Allison and Lydia. To kill time, I took them to the little arcade room. There were several of the claw things where you put money in and try to use the claw to grab a prize. One of them was only a quarter to play, so I thought I'd show Lydia how it goes. I've never ever had success with those things until that day. I was dumbfounded when I got not only one, but TWO stuffed animals with one grab!
Totally worth blogging about.

Anyway, Allison did pretty well for her first long car ride, especially since she spent so much of it awake. There were some stressful crying spells when there was nowhere to pull off the freeway and nothing would placate her. She simply was sick of sitting in her carseat.

On Saturday we took William and Owen to this awesome park in Saratoga Springs. I think I had more fun than the boys.

The park also had a teeter totter swing thing which was pretty awesome.

It was fun visiting family.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

114th Passage

Owen: mommy, Morgan just called me Ben ten!
Morgan: that's not a bad word.
Owen: then why did you even say it?

I guess Owen thinks everyone else has the same fascination with saying bad words as he does.

I'm getting tired of hearing Lydia say "don't talk me that!" Every time I tell her no. Or anything she doesn't want to hear.

Owen: did you know I let my babies wear my scarf because they are always cold on the inside because all they eat is ice cream?
Me: oh really? Who are your babies?
Owen: I named them names they don't like. One of them likes the name Richie, but I don't like that name. But he is rich.

Lydia was talking and singing to Allison and even sang "baby Alli.." And the next thing she said was "is this baby Jesus?"

My boys replace "fight" with "battle" and "won" or "beat" with "defeated". So we hear comments like "me and Owen were battling and I defeated him." "We defeated level 6 is Lego Indiana jones!" "Don't take that, or I will battle you!"

Lydia likes to taunt with this. One day she said "nana, nana, boo boo! Nana, nana, boo boo! Boo boos" then pointing at me "you have boo boos!"

Being in public with Lydia can be embarrassing. While looking at tomato sauce in the grocery store, Lydia points to a man doing the same thing and says, "I dot like that man."

Me: Lydia, eat your dinner.
Lydia: but my tummy hurts. And my leg hurts and my arm hurts and my back hurts!

I've been reading Pollyanna to the boys, and I'm loving the impact it's having on them. This morning I told them it was time for chores. In the other room I heard William complaining about it, so Morgan said, "remember, there is always something to be happy about."

Owen, picked up a sock and started crawling toward Allison, who was lying on the floor.
Owen, in a high pitched song-song voice: "oh this sock is so cute, I just want to shove it in Alli's..."
He looks up at me and sees me watching him with a quizzical, expectant, expression.
"...laundry basket. Is Alli's laundry basket the same as Lydia's?"
Then he stands up and walks the opposite direction.

Morgan: let me show you something Owen, it won't hurt.

Lydia: I love you.
Me:I love you too, Lydia.
Me: what does love mean?
Lydia: I don't know.
Me: what's love like?
Lydia: Jesus. Like Jesus.

Owen: Alli + Alli = pretty cute

I look forward to the day that Owen finally learns to say "popcorn" instead of "pop porn".

After David and I each ate one of Lydia's cinnimon twist things at Taco Bell she said, "I don't want you to eat them all. I don't want you to get fatter!"

Apparently Morgan thinks that the ctrl key on the keyboard means "choose the right lol".

Melanie and I were having a conversation about the kids and I said, "Well, Lydia is a tattle tale." Immediately, Lydia, who was not a part of the conversation chimed in with, "Mommy! Daddy just called me a tattle tale."

David: "Maybe we should just make a rule that the kids can't play any fighting games."
Owen: "We don't only play fighting games. Sometimes we play on William's bed."
David: "Yeah, you play fighting games on William's bed."
Owen: "But you don't know we do that."

Morgan: you know what kind of caveman is my favorite? Neanderthal. Not the homo habilis.

We were learning about Alexander graham Bell and William was amazed at how long ago it was. Then he said " and people were gray back then."

Morgan: Alli, you're making me very conscious with you!
Me: conscious? What does that mean?
Morgan: oh, I mean unconscious! Alli, you're making me unconscious at you.

Morgan: I always know where my mouth is. Even when I'm not looking at it!

113th Passage

David's done it again! He made his second iOS app, and it's been a great success!
We take no shame in admitting that the idea was taken from the insanely popular flappy bird. Why not ride on it's shirt tails, if you can?
He called it Bouncy Boo. Catchy, no?
And it's cute! Here's the Boo's he created. The one on the market currently is the middle boo. He's making some updates though, and the new Boo design is among them. We're still waiting for it's approval though.
The first few days after it's release we kept getting astounded at the number of downloads and revenue.
This is a screenshot from my phone on, I believe, the first or second day after it's release.
My brother is unashamed. He isn't that high on the leaderboards anymore, and there are a lot more than 6,000 players now.
One exciting thing to see was it's ranking in the app store. Out of all the free games in the whole app store, Bouncy Boo was ranked at #115!
It has since, unfortunately, gone down in rank.
We would love to see people make a funny vine video of it or something. It could really help us out. It would be nice to pay off all the hospital bills from when we had Allison, with the help of income from Bouncy Boo.

David's so talented. In like, EVERYTHING! Seriously.

Coming soon is Jet Pack Boo! Look for it on an iOS device near you.

112th Passage

These days I love Valentine's Day. This year was no exception. The day started out great. David got up for work like normal, gave me a kiss goodbye, then went to the kitchen and made breakfast instead of going to work. He brought me delicious strawberry crepes in bed.

After we ate together he did go to work. At home, after school, we made cupcakes to give to some people for Valentine's treats. We also got a visit from Nana Sugar, who came with gifts for the kids. 

That night my mom came over to babysit so David and I could have a date. (Her Valentine was on a business trip in California.) We went to dinner, exchanged gifts, and then headed to the new mall in Meridian. It was pretty warm for the time of year, and even though it was lightly raining, we were okay being outside. Plus, this mall had fire all over to warm up by. We tried to get some of the flame in these pics.

It was so nice to be with David. We even left Allison home, so we didn't have to lug a carseat and diaper bag around. We could hold hands and skip! And we did! I love that handsome man.

The next morning when I went downstairs I discovered roses and chocolates on the kitchen table for me. David forgot to give them to me the day before, apparently. He's so great. 

Post-it #167

It was bedtime, and I was feeding the baby. So Lydia was waiting for me in her room so I could tuck her in. She fell asleep before I got there. But at least she had a story. :)

Post-it #166

Me and my baby. 

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Post-it #164

Allison met her Poston great-grandparents. 

Post-it #163

Alli fits in the bumbo. Unfortunately, none of the pictures really turned out, and I tried on two different occasions


Post-it #162

We started learning basic Spanish in school. They can count to ten. But they can't roll their R's. :)

Post-it #161

Who wore it best?

111th Passage

Because she's too cute not to share.

 Apparently I'm the only one who sees it, but I think she looks a little Martinish in the picture below.

 And in case you were wondering, this is exactly how David looks when he yawns.

 Cute profile.

Post-it #160

Allison loves her little play mat. She particularly likes to look in the mirror, but she's getting coordinated enough now to bat at the hanging toys. 

Post-it #159

Morgan got a paleontologist kit for Christmas. He didn't get it out to use it for a few weeks, but when he did he thought it was pretty awesome.
Actually, when he first started, he was chipping and chipping away at it with no results. Then he got discouraged. But I helped him find a tip of a bone and suddenly he was all gung ho about getting the dinosaur bones out. 

It took a couple afternoons to finish completely. But he got a t-rex skeleton out and put it together. Now all the boys want more.