Monday, November 10, 2014

Post-it #219

Over the summer we read Because of Winn Dixie. Actually, we started it at the end of the school year and didn't read as regularly during the summer, so were making slow progress. But when we went on the trip to California we had the audio book of it, so we listened to the whole thing while driving. I think the kids liked it. I didn't love it.

We watched the movie, too. It didn't hold their attention as some movies do.

Post-it #218

In August we took a big family vacation to California. We stayed with David's grandmother in Citrus Heights for a week and did a ton of fun things. 

The children did great on the drive. It was about 8-9 hours, if I remember correctly, but they had bags of toys, books, and crayons to entertain them. We also listened to audio books for them. 
 Here they are relaxing at Great Nana's house, watching a movie.
 On Sunday we went to church then had a big family gathering at the house. I met David's Uncles, Aunt's, cousins, cousin's kids, and family friends. A nice bunch of people.
 Allison was still at the stage of not really wanting to be held by people she didn't know very well, but she was starting to get over it. She let Nana hold her a few times.
I'll do several more posts detailing the different fun things we did that day. But not until I  get pictures from David's phone. He got some great photos from the trip.