Thursday, January 24, 2013

Post-it #76

Time for more quotes!

William: what's funner than fighting? Playing video games? Playing with God? Playing with God is way more fun than playing video games.
Morgan: how do you play with God?

Owen: you know what? I wish I had shoes with bullets in them, that way, when I jump on the trampoline, they just fly out.

Morgan: Girls are made for kissing, you see, boys are made for fighting.

Morgan: we all have our special talents. Yours, William, is fighting, mine is going slow, and Owen's is saying bad words.

Post-it #75

A week or two ago we pulled Morgan's second tooth. It was very loose, and he let me pull it with floss, and we got it on camera. Enjoy!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Post-it #74

I'm trying to potty train Lydia.
I hate it.
Though it does have it's upsides.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Post-it #72

Owen has a fascination with Mr. Grinch. The other night he wanted me to take a picture of him posing as Mr. Grinch. So I did. He was wagging his hips side to side the whole time.

Then he said he wanted to see the picture. So David took over, and quickly found a picture on the internet and showed it to Owen.
And Owen totally bought it. He thought this was the picture I took of him. 

Fifty-Second Passage

Yesterday marked the one year anniversary of David and I meeting. Well, actually, just of our first contact on the internet. So, here is a mushy post.
These are a few of my favorite things. In fact, I would love to have a special shelf/frame thing that could display many of them, as well as some special pictures, to hang on my wall. (hint, hint, husband.)

On my second date with David, we went skiing. Before heading down the mountain, we stopped in the lodge and bought some Sobe's. You know how they have little sayings under the cap? Mine said Marry Me? And I'm just superstitious enough to think it was cool and to keep it.

This is what I got David our first Valentines Day. A personalized guitar pick with a cheesy tagline that has become special to us. I must admit, this is one of the better gifts I've given.
That Valentines Day, David gave me the pink part of this necklace. He's sweet and sentimental, and I love it. And him.
The night we were engaged, I found pieces of this wooden heart on my scavenger hunt. David put them together that night, and now I have this lovely wooden heart to remind me of that special day.
I also have this lovely ring to remind me of that day. I don't want to display this in a frame though. :) I love my ring, and what it represents.

Fifty-second Passage

We took the kids to Chuck E Cheese for a friends' birthday party. It may have been my first time there. They had fun.
 Lydia loved the little ride things.

 Owen was terrified in this monster truck. He cried. 

 William and Miles spent most of their time on this one game.  They couldn't even see what they were doing!
 Morgan wandered and did whatever struck his fancy with his tokens.
 Notice all the boys are wearing monster teeth? They cashed in some tickets for them.
 If you danced with Chuck E. you got free tickets. William and Owen participated very grudgingly.
 And the birthday boy. Happy birthday, Ryan!

Fifty-First Passage

It's been awhile since I've posted kid quotes, so I've got quite the reserve. Most of these I'm just pulling from facebook.

Me: Morgan, you're losing your voice. 
Morgan, I know, and I don't know how to get it back, and it's so frustrating! 
Owen: if you lose your voice, you'll turn into an animal.

Morgan is fighting doing chores. So he said, "Mommy, you make me do sissy stuff."

Fishy crackers have Lydia confused. Anytime she sees a real gold fish she calls it a cracker.

Owen's physics lesson of the day: mommy, did you know that if you put water in milk, and then you put it in juice, it will turn to ice cubes?

Owen: mommy, I was just making fun of that door, because doors are naked! Can you believe that doors are naked?

Owen: you're the prettiest mommy in the world!
Me: thank you! But you still have to sit in time out.

Every kid has that one bad guy that always show up in their dreams to haunt them. Well, for Owen the boogy man is Mr. Grinch. Here is Owen's explanation of one of his dreams.
"One time I had a dream about when I was a little kid like 3 years old like 2 years old about Mr. grinch when mr. Grinch stole me away from my parents. And then he took me away and then a poked his eyes out and then I was 3 and then I was 4 and then I was 5 and then I was 6 and then I was a grown up and I found Mr. Grinch and I sliced his eyeballs open and he died and then he was dead and then I turned back into a baby and I played with mr. Grinch and he was dead. And then he turned into a little mr. Grinch and then he came back alive and then he turned into a yo-yo and I swinged him into things like BAM, BAM, BAM! And then i sliced him open with a knife and then and cut his eyeballs out and then I broke my head open and then I cut his head off and then I took his brain out and then I put his brain inside my head and then closed my head up."

Owen, "Did you know that if we spank our butts and we are naked and we don't have our underwear on and we are naked and we don't have our socks on we are barefoot?"

Owen, "Daddy, do you remember when we lived forever with nana sugar when you were married to nana sugar?"

Friday, January 11, 2013

Fiftieth Passage

G is for Gee-briel.

Since we started school I have been struggling to teach Owen his letters. 4 months of practicing them 4 days a week.  And it has been frustratingly slow! He seems to have a hard time caring, which makes him not put forth any effort at all, I think. He's not a stupid kid, by any means, so this inability to remember a letter has been very trying. For me. Like I said, he doesn't seem to care. :)
At the begininning of the school year, it went something like this.
Me: A. This is A. Say A.
Owen. A.
Me: Good. This is B. Say B.
Owen: B.
Me: Good. And what is this one? (pointing back at the A.)
Owen: I don't know.
Me: A. It's A. Say A.
Owen: A.
Me: And this is B.
Owen: B.
Me: This is C. Say C.
Owen: C.
Me: What's this other one?
Owen: I don't know.
Me: A. Remember that, because I'm going to ask you again. A.
Owen: A.
Me: And this one?
Owen: I don't know.
Me: B.
Owen: B.
Me: And the first one?
Owen: B.
Me: No! No, this is A. This other one is B.

And so on. But 4 months later he almost can recognize all the letters. G has been a problem though. It seems he put a mental block up with that letter. No matter how many times we practiced it, no matter how many lines he wrote of G, no matter how many associations I made, Owen couldn't remember G for more than two seconds.
I told him G is for Gabriel. That's his middle name, so I thought that would help. It didn't. I told him G was for gross. He remembered U every time after his little book told him U was for underwear. He still says that sometimes, and cracks up laughing. He also cracked up laughing when I told him G was for gross, but he couldn't remember what G was.
Yesterday I started calling him Gee-briel. I told him I would call him Gee-briel until he could remember G. He wasn't very pleased with that at all. But I did it anyway. And today, when we were going through the flashcards, he remembered G! He got it right the first time through! YAYAYAY!
I hope it's forever. A month ago Owen had the letter H down. Now he only gets it right 25% of the time. *sigh*.
I still have to teach him the sounds of all the letters. Maybe by the end of the school year he will have learned nothing more than the alphabet, but I'm telling you, it will be a major accomplishment! Especially if I'm not in an asylum by then.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Forty-ninth Passage

Snow day! The day after Christmas was great for playing in the snow. So David took the day off work, and since we had a family gathering at my parent's house later that day anyway, we just went earlier, and took advantage of their big lawn, and ATV's for some extra fun snow play.

A snowman was made. (Or, at least, started.) This is one photogenic kid.
 David worked on a snow cave. He started with a coat and gloves and scarf, but that didn't last long...

 Cousins playing and snowball fights.

 The trampoline was still a hit.

Lydia was very bundled, but still wasn't a big fan of being out in the cold. 

Owen in the completed snow cave.

And the sledding. This is how we've done it for years, but this is the first time I've done it with my kids. Morgan jumped right on and had a great time. If he fell off, he was quick to get back on.
David and I took a couple rides too. Still fun.
William and Owen were, surprise surprise, very resistant to the idea of sledding. But we kind of forced them to do it anyway. It didn't take William long to realize it was actually really fun.
Here's William and Emmy.
And a little video of Morgan and William. This was William's first ride. He actually wasn't too scared until after this one. He fell off, and even though it didn't hurt or anything, he was not keen on getting back on. But he did, and he had fun.

Playing in the snow is fun. I like it. But I pretty much just like it once or twice a year, then I am ready to be done playing in the snow.  And yet it remains, and deepens...

Post-it #71

New Years Eve was a fun day for us. My family came over during the day and hung out, since none of them worked.
My sister got this fun picture of the cousins watching a movie together.

She also got this picture of Lydia, which is adorable.

That evening the real party started. David's parents and grandmother joined us for a night of fun games, way too many snack foods, and great conversation. A great way to ring in the new year.

Post-it #70

Lydia loves helping in the kitchen. She pushes a chair around from counter, to stove, to counter, to sink, following me wherever I happen to be working. She's always eager to help stir or put in ingredients, or steal a nibble of whatever I'm using to cook something. So, I got her an apron and chef's hat for Christmas, as well as some little utensils and play food. I think she's adorable.

Post-it #69

Morgan lost his first tooth!

He already has his replacement. I'm happy to report that the back tooth is slowly making it's way forward. His other tooth is extremely loose, so it looks like the toothfairy will be making a return visit. She left a message last time, that Morgan's pillow on the top bunk of the triple decker bunk bed is very hard to access stealthily.

Forty-eighth Passage

Christmas could make for a really long post, or for three semi-long posts. Instead of detailing everything, I'll just post some pictures of different Christmas celebrations. These kids are so very spoiled, what with their multiple families and doting grandparents.

Here are pictures from the first Christmas/presents opening deal. Morgan and Lydia opened their gifts Christmas Eve from Nana Sugar and Papa, and Great Nana.

 New pajamas Nana Sugar made. She made some for all the children.
 Christmas take two. This is Christmas morning when the boys first got up and were checking out their stockings.

 Doesn't he look a little like a wild animal making it clear that these are MINE, don't you even think about taking them!!

 And some post-present opening mess and chaos.
 Third Christmas. This was Christmas day at the Poston's. William and Owen got to open presents, and we also exchanged gifts with adults.

 He looks so sad here, but I really don't think he could have been!
 Great Nana.
 And on the day after Christmas, we had a get-together with my family. I made a book for my brother Jason, with everything from his mission blog.
 Grandma needs help from the babies to open her presents. 
I didn't get as many pictures here. Yay for Christmas and family!