Friday, January 4, 2013

Forty-seventh Passage

Time for my top ten! I've done this for the past few years, when I recap the previous year with a top ten list. My top ten doesn't mean best ten. It means most memorable and impacting. So, here is my top ten for 2012. Finally, a good year after a succession of not so good years.

In chronological order...

1. January 13th I got a message from a cute guy on a dating website. (It's still a little bit embarrassing admitting that I was on a dating website.) I responded, and we had a bit of a conversation that night. Not one to keep excitement about something from my family, my family, whom I was living with, knew almost everything I knew about the guy I was talking to. My brother, Casey, made the prediction that I would marry him. This after just the first night of chatting.

2. January 17th was my first date with the last man I will ever go on a date with. We went to Appleebee's, played pool, air hockey  and Foosball  and went to a movie. It was a fantastic date, and one that I often think fondly upon.

3. On February 21st, I got engaged. David asked in a most creative and romantic manner, and I happily got much of it on video.

4. March 8th, I got married. Me! Married! Something I kind of thought I'd never have again, since I didn't think I'd ever be willing to settle for the kind of man I thought would settle with me; a divorcee with two kids and high expectations of behaviors and attitudes. But that's because I didn't know David existed. I didn't know anyone like David could exist. Marrying him was the best decision I ever made. 

5.This goes right along with getting married, but I'm kinda scrambling for ten things, so here we go. Number five is creating a new family with David. A "six person family" as Morgan always says. It's been hectic, and crazy, and chaotic, and loud, and frustrating, at times, but it's also been perfect. Somehow it is. I love our little (big) family. We fit together as though we were made together. 

6. In June David and I went to the temple for the first time together. Since the Boise temple had been closed, it took awhile before we could make the time. It was lovely, and gave us a glimpse of what we hope to get to do March 8th of this year, by being sealed.

7. Homeschooling. I was homeschooled, David was homeschooled, and we wanted our kids to be homeschooled. There were extra challenges with this, but our prayers were answered, and potential obstacles were removed, and now Morgan and William are homeschooled. It's time consuming, and my house doesn't get all the attention it needs, but it's worth it. They are learning so fast, and we are growing together. A great blessing indeed.

8. In October I got pregnant.

9. In November/December I miscarried. My third total miscarriage, which means I've had more failed pregnancies than successful ones. 

10. And last, our first Christmas as a family. It was disjointed, and interrupted by necessary scheduling, but it was our first Christmas together, and it was great, and it was special

And that was my year. A great year. Fantastic, really. My best year yet. I found my David, created a wonderful family with him, gained more family and friends through him, and lived a happy, blessed, life. I look forward to more years like this one. 

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