Saturday, August 10, 2013

Seventy-sixth Passage

Here's a little update on my pregnancy.
I am 28 weeks along, so only 12 more to go. This pregnancy has gone by relatively fast, so that's nice. I'm big enough now that sleeping is much less comfortable, and more broken up. Oh, and the pelvis pain has returned! I had it with Lydia really bad, so I predict it will only get worse as I continue to grow.

Last week I had an ultra-sound. My first big ultra-sound, around 20 weeks, they saw some bright spots around the babies stomach that they were worried about. They suggested some blood tests and a follow up ultra-sound. I wasn't concerned much at all and almost forewent the recommendations based on convenience and money. It just reminded me about when I was pregnant with Lydia. They saw some bright spots around the heart that they say they see sometimes with down syndrome. They recommended I do more testing for that. I didn't, and wasn't really worried about it. Lydia was fine.
Anyway, I got some blood work done and ruled out an infection that could have caused it. Then we went to the ultra-sound last week. The bright spots had migrated to the bowel. This is what they were hoping not to see. This could mean a few things. The worst case is that the baby has cystic fibrosis, a horrible disease, whose victims lead a hard, short, life. But in order for our baby to have cyctic fibrosis, David and I would both have to have the gene, which is unlikely, especially considering that nobody in our families have had it. The news was more concerning at first, but I just don't think that will be an issue. I'm going to see if I can get a lab done to see if I carry that faulty gene, and if I don't, we're home free on that account.
But there are other major issues. It could be that the bowl didn't form right and is twisted or something. It would take a surgery to repair it. I don't want my brand new baby to have to have surgery. It could also cause a problem in utero. I will have to keep going in for ultra-sounds to keep a watch on it, to make sure the bowel doesn't rupture or something. If it does, they will take the baby early.
We asked a lot of questions, but I don't feel like we got the clearest answers. I think that it could be nothing, but it wasn't very easy to get the doctor to admit to that.
And yet, I'm not terribly concerned. I just think it will all be okay. I'll continue to go in to make sure things haven't worsened, and I do want to get tested to see if I'm a cystic fibrosis carrier, but...I won't be surprised if it all turns out to be nothing.

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