Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Post-it #192

What's cuter than a picture of Allison in a swimming suit?
A picture of Allison in a swimming suit AND a picture of Allison wearing a dangly flower headband!

Post-it #191

Look what David talked me into before Alli was 6 months old. It's not like she ate it though, just a little flavor.

Post-it #190

We love him.

120th Passage

Let's do some comparison baby shots. I couldn't find many of William and Owen, but they are all about the same age in these pictures.

Who does Allison look the most like?

Also, look at this one. I dare you not to laugh.

Post-it #189

We've been playing a lot of Frisbee golf lately. We've gone to West Park several times, and we even bought a Frisbee golf basket to practice putting in the backyard. It's fun. Allison likes it too.

Post-it #188

Allison is a lightweight. Her pants are rarely tight enough. She wiggled out of this pair during her nap. 

119th Passage

We watched the last session of General Conference at my parents' house. It was a crowded room with lots of kids. In fact, it was kind of hard to listen very well. But the kids do pretty good.

Post-it #187

Here are some cute bath time pictures of Allison. She likes her baths much better now. I'm going to have to start putting the baby tub inside our tub though, because she makes a huge splashy mess.

Post-it #186

Allison went down the slide for the first time. :) We did actually put her down, laying down. I pretty much held her the whole way.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

118th Passage

Lydia got her first haircut! It was so long and pretty, but it was very fine and wispy. I would have left it alone anyway, but she'd been asking for a haircut for awhile now. So I allowed it. When it was her turn for a Daddy date, I suggested David take her to get it cut. I gave him instruction on length, and sent them on their way.
Here are before pictures of my pretty, pretty, princess.


And the result.

It's healthier now, and cute, but sometimes I miss the length. Lydia likes it and had fun.

Post-it #185

Morgan is a great big brother for Lydia, and now he's a great big brother to Allison. He always wants to help out with her, and sometimes it's really needed. If Alli is a bit fussy and I need to make dinner, Morgan takes her and plays with her and is happy to do it. He carries her well, and he'll often bring her to me when she wants mommy and I'm in the middle of something time sensitive. It's really nice having his helpfulness with the baby. Thanks, Morgan!

Post-it #184

Some pictures just for the sake of cute.

Post-it #183

With part of our tax returns we got us a shelf reliance shelf for canned food. We also bought a bunch of canned food. It's lovely having food in our food storage that we use regularly, and that will get rotated. It's also nice to go grocery shopping and basically skip the can aisles. :)