Thursday, May 31, 2012

Friday, May 25, 2012

Sixth Passage

I've been wanting to blog about our family bowling outings, but I'm having technical difficulties. Instead, a birthday blunder.

I had a great birthday. David wasn't feeling very well, and was actually able to come home from work early. He helped me with chores, he gave me a present, (Dominion, a board game) which we played,  and then when William and Owen arrived from their mom's, we all went to Wal-Mart as a family, to pick up the cake that David had ordered.
We have four kids, and sometimes it's difficult to wrangle them all while in the store. Lydie gets the baby seat in the cart, and Owen wanted to ride inside the basket of the cart. We let him. We got the cake. We told him not to squish it. We went to pick out ice cream. David and I were occupied with that for a few moments. I put the selected ice cream in the cart with Owen and saw the cake looking much different than it did when we put it in there. See below.
When asked what happened, he told us that he stepped on it. Of course, "why?" was the next question. "Because I didn't want any cake." 
Needless to say, he didn't ride in the cart anymore. In fact, he threw a tantrum for the rest of the time in the store because he couldn't. So, that was fun. 
The cake was still yummy though!

Back at home David made dinner, (lasagna) and tried to get me to do nothing productive.
Soon after dinner David's parents arrived to drop off a gift, (Thanks!) and stayed for cake and ice cream, and another game of Dominion, and chatting. It was a great evening.
My husband spoils me, and I'm so happy to have him!
Oh, I'm 28, and that feels so close to 30. It's worse too, because David won't even be 27 until August. So young, he is...

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Post-it #18

Yes, that is a battleship peg poking out of Lydia's nose. And it's a red one, which means it was a hit. I guess there is a ship jammed up there as well. 

Monday, May 21, 2012

Post-it #17

David was trying to prove to me that my eyes were the same awesome blue that his eyes are. (I still think that mine have much more gray, and his are brighter.) So we took this picture with wide eyes to compare, side by side. I think it's a fun photo, so I'm posting it.

Post-it #16

I was at the store with just Morgan and Lydia, and had one of those carts for two kids. So Lydia could see everything Morgan did, and could copy everything she saw.

Makes me laugh.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Fifth Passage

This is the face of a miserable little girl. A miserable girl with a big bruise on her cheek from when William ran her over on his bike. But she is sick today.

She was acting all normal yesterday, a little whiney in the evening, but that is normal pre-dinner behavior. And I give you the next details because I am curious to know if anyone else has experienced this with their kids or anybody. Lydie was sitting in her highchair when I happened to glance at her and saw pink and chunky vomit seeping out of her mouth. Seeping. She wasn't making a peep, she wasn't heaving, her mouth was opened only a little bit, and the regurgitated food kept seeping out. The amount was impressive. It reminds me of when something on the stove boils over. It just seeps over the edge because the food underneath is pushing it up. 
In my experience, vomit is projectile. This wasn't at all. Normal?
Since then, poor Lydia hasn't been able to keep anything down. She slept till past 10:30 this morning, and has now been napping for awhile already. But while she's awake, she does her best to maintain a cheerful attitude. I sure do love that spunky little girl. And I hope this doesn't mean that tomorrow I'll have 4 kids throwing up everywhere...

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Post-it #15

Flowers from May 16, 2012.  David also brought me some chocolates and a candle oil warmer. Can you say, "best husband ever"?

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Post-it #14

Remember the pictures I posted of these boys with these suckers? Well, the suckers have been eaten, but the mater mouth sticks remain. 
 Remember also how I said Lydia stuffs things in her nose and ears? Lydia found one of the Mater mouths, saw the the little stick on the end, and knew exactly what to do with it. And boy was she happy doing it.
Then she just does what Lydia does when she's jammed something in her ear. Chilled out. Until Mommy removed it, that is. Then she flipped out. 

Monday, May 14, 2012

Post-it #13

I was sitting down and having breakfast with William and Owen, and we were talking about how they used to live with Nana, but now we live together in this house. Then this conversation took place.

Owen: Yeah, now we live in the new house!
Me: Yup.
Owen: Except for the old parts. Like that one.
*Owen points to the arch between living room and kitchen.*
Owen: That's the old part.
Me: It's old, huh? How come?
Owen: Daddy killed it.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Post-it #11

It's day three out of five for missing my husband. Half way there. It sure is nice having someone to miss. It sure is a bummer missing him.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Post-it #10

All the boys lost their front baby teeth and grew in their permanents. Looks like we'll have a lot of orthodontist bills. 

Monday, May 7, 2012

Post-It #9

Apparently the boys and I share a different understanding of what pajamas are, for when I told them to put them on, they did this. 

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Post-it #8

Owen: Can I put Lydia in the dark?
David: No, you can't put Lydia in the dark. You're evil, Owen.
Owen: No, I'm not evil, I'm not a girl!

David and Melanie crack up.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Post-it #7

What is cuter than a tiny ballerina?
 A tiny tantrumming ballerina. 

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Post-it #6

We've played outside a lot lately and Owen has found many a rolly-polly. He loves him some rolly-polly. He'll find one, track it's progress, prod it, and pick it up. He likes to hold them, but only when they are rolled up into balls. If they don't roll, he rolls them. Youch. 
You wanna share his rolly-polly? (He always calls them "my rolly-polly".)

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Post-it #5

David often gets me flowers. These are the flowers from May 2, 2012

Fourth Passage

I finally got the photos from our wedding. So indulge me as I post a few favorites.

This is seconds after we were officially pronounced married.
 We got to eat a yummy dinner afterward with our family and friends. 
 First (and last?) dance as a married couple.
 Mr. and Mrs. Poston. 
And because we are married, we have four kids. !!! Do we look a little overwhelmed?

No worries. Nothing we can't handle...right?
 Here are my handsome boys. David, Morgan, William, and Owen.
 And us outnumbered girls; me and Lydie.
 Here is the family that was there for pictures. 
 My sister Stephanie, me, and my mom.
 David and his parents.
 Us and both sets of parents.
 David and his daddio.
 My  parents and I.
 Foot-popping good kiss.
 And the standard hand with rings photog.