Friday, October 25, 2013

Ninety-Second Passage

Morgan and Lydia have had growth charts since they were very young.

I think it's fun to track how they grow, and the rate of growth and all of that. It's seemed a little unfair in the past year or so when Morgan and Lydia get their growth measured on their charts bi-annually but the other two boys don't. So I enlisted David to make his boys their own growth charts. He, of course, didn't back down from the challenge, but embraced it completely.
He casually asked the boys what some of their favorite things were one day. William thinks firesmashers are about the coolest thing ever. A firesmasher is a weapon employed by Super Samurai Power Rangers. Owen has a thing for penguins. The fatter the better.
So David set to work. First with Williams. He found a picture online, then magically made it appear on a some wood. Seriously, it's magic.

Then he cut it out.

Then we painted it.

And now we have a very poor weapon design, but a great growth chart.

Owen's was a little trickier. So for his, David did a rendering in photoshop, printed out pages to scale, lay them on the board with some carbon paper underneath, and traced the design onto the wood.

Then he cut that out.

Then we painted it and ended up with a pretty cute chart.

We were missing something though. We needed to personalize them even more with names and birthdays. Guess what David and I felt inadequate to do? So we enlisted the help of my previous father-in-law, Kevin,  who is super talented with painting and art and calligraphy and all of that. Now they look complete and awesome.

Tomorrow we are having a tri-birthday party for the boys and we will present the growth charts to them then.

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