Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Fourth Passage

I finally got the photos from our wedding. So indulge me as I post a few favorites.

This is seconds after we were officially pronounced married.
 We got to eat a yummy dinner afterward with our family and friends. 
 First (and last?) dance as a married couple.
 Mr. and Mrs. Poston. 
And because we are married, we have four kids. !!! Do we look a little overwhelmed?

No worries. Nothing we can't handle...right?
 Here are my handsome boys. David, Morgan, William, and Owen.
 And us outnumbered girls; me and Lydie.
 Here is the family that was there for pictures. 
 My sister Stephanie, me, and my mom.
 David and his parents.
 Us and both sets of parents.
 David and his daddio.
 My  parents and I.
 Foot-popping good kiss.
 And the standard hand with rings photog. 

1 comment:

  1. LOVE the old door backdrop!!! Are they borrow-able??

    Also loved seeing your cute new family shots..lots of personality and cuteness. :)
