Monday, January 14, 2013

Fifty-Second Passage

Yesterday marked the one year anniversary of David and I meeting. Well, actually, just of our first contact on the internet. So, here is a mushy post.
These are a few of my favorite things. In fact, I would love to have a special shelf/frame thing that could display many of them, as well as some special pictures, to hang on my wall. (hint, hint, husband.)

On my second date with David, we went skiing. Before heading down the mountain, we stopped in the lodge and bought some Sobe's. You know how they have little sayings under the cap? Mine said Marry Me? And I'm just superstitious enough to think it was cool and to keep it.

This is what I got David our first Valentines Day. A personalized guitar pick with a cheesy tagline that has become special to us. I must admit, this is one of the better gifts I've given.
That Valentines Day, David gave me the pink part of this necklace. He's sweet and sentimental, and I love it. And him.
The night we were engaged, I found pieces of this wooden heart on my scavenger hunt. David put them together that night, and now I have this lovely wooden heart to remind me of that special day.
I also have this lovely ring to remind me of that day. I don't want to display this in a frame though. :) I love my ring, and what it represents.


  1. What I like about the two of you is that both of you are very sentimental! From the guitar pick to the ring he gave you, all are romantic gestures. =D The ring, most especially, since it represents your affection for one another. And if I am not mistaken, yours is a yellow, round-cut diamond ring. Did you know that this type of ring usually costs around $2,000 and above?

    Bridget Rossi

    1. It's not a great photo. It's a white diamond. And the ring was under $500. :)
