Saturday, August 4, 2012

Twentieth Passage

More destruction from the boys.

One night, while they were in bed, supposed to be sleeping, Morgan and William instead ripped up tons of their books. This is just mindless destruction. Some of the torn up books are board books, so they really had to try hard to rip them to pieces. This one actually makes me pretty mad. So much waste, and deliberate waste, and from the two that should know better the most. They had all their books (which is many) out of the bookcases and on the floor, and when they were cleaning them up in the morning, they put the ripped books and pages on the bed. The huge pile of them is dismaying.

 And then on Thursday morning as I was trying to finish up the dishes before taking William and Owen back to their mother, the kids were playing in the living room, ready to go. I don't think it was more than a minute after I told the them to stop rough housing that Morgan attacked the closet door, and pushed it against its hinges, putting a nice hole in the door. He gets to do extra chores to earn the money to pay for a new one.

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