Friday, September 20, 2013

Eighty-Fourth Passage

I took Lydia to the Dr for the first time in about 2 years. My sassy, boisterous, little girl turned into a very docile and shy girl when the doctor came in. It was weird. She just sat on the table with an adorable smile, nodded or shook her head to answer questions, and didn't do things like, take in a deep breath, or count the Dr's fingers.
Lydia is in the 50% for height, 70% for weight. And she's right on track with everything else.

She got some vaccines. When the nurse came in and said something about giving Lydia shots, Lydia was suddenly less cooperative, and wouldn't get up on the table. I think watching Daniel Tiger made her realize what shots were. But when I told her she would get a sucker and a sticker, she happily climbed up on the table. She wasn't interested in Mommy's attempts at distraction; she had no interest in singing the alphabet with me right then. The first shot Lydia didn't give much of a reaction other than to try and see what was happening with her leg. The second shot she gave an angry, "Oowwwwah!" Plenty of attitude behind that. This whole time she was getting reassurances of how brave she was. The third and fourth shots went into the muscle, rather than the fatty tissue, and may have hurt more. She gave more protests to it, like trying to get away and saying, "That really hurts!" "Stop! That hurts bad!"
But then it was over, and she had four Bugs Bunny bandaids, which she thought was really cool, then she got a My Little Pony sticker and a sucker. That made it all worth it to her.
The drive home Lydia told me over and over about how it hurt her legs really bad. Kind of a big deal to her. And even though she is extremely tough, she did a lot of whimpering the next two days about how sore her legs were.

Here's a video of Lydia talking about the event.

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