Thursday, March 21, 2013

Post-it #83

Once upon a time we had ramen noodles for lunch, and David told the boys we were eating hair. They only half believed it, but ever since then, every time we have ramen noodles for lunch, (more often than I would like to admit) they play a silly game.
One boy will fork up a bite of noodles and let it dangle in the air and say, "Look at my hair..." and finish it with a weird "because" statement that doesn't even fit with the sentence opener.
Here's some I regularly hear. "Look at my hair, because I have a big butt."
"Look at my hair, because I'm dumb."
"Look at my hair, because my mom is fat." Always after this one they reassure me, "We're just playing a silly game, mommy. It's not true."
"Look at my hair, because I don't like food."

It's weird, they're weird, but somehow it's become a tradition.

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