Monday, October 15, 2012

Thirty-First Passage

This year in our garden we planted tomatoes, onions, peppers, squash, and pumpkins. This was overly ambitious, considering the small gardening plot. We were foolish to do pumpkins. They soon overtook the peppers, then the onions, and even encroached on the squash and tomatoes. Pretty much, our garden was squash and pumpkins. And yet, with all the pumpkin take-over, we only had two completely orange ones. Others had varrying degrees of orange, some were still completely green.
But we used them, by golly! Since the kids are so young, I wanted to paint pumpkins rather than carve pumpkins. I do enjoy carving a pumpkin, but I don't think I'd enjoy having to carve 5. One for every child.
Anyway, Saturday we picked our pumpkins, the kids got to choose the one they wanted to paint, and we set to work.

Here are the action shots.

And the finished products.

And the resulting mess.

1 comment:

  1. These are very scary pumpkins indeed! The carving is not so bad, it's the emptying I hate!
