Friday, May 18, 2012

Fifth Passage

This is the face of a miserable little girl. A miserable girl with a big bruise on her cheek from when William ran her over on his bike. But she is sick today.

She was acting all normal yesterday, a little whiney in the evening, but that is normal pre-dinner behavior. And I give you the next details because I am curious to know if anyone else has experienced this with their kids or anybody. Lydie was sitting in her highchair when I happened to glance at her and saw pink and chunky vomit seeping out of her mouth. Seeping. She wasn't making a peep, she wasn't heaving, her mouth was opened only a little bit, and the regurgitated food kept seeping out. The amount was impressive. It reminds me of when something on the stove boils over. It just seeps over the edge because the food underneath is pushing it up. 
In my experience, vomit is projectile. This wasn't at all. Normal?
Since then, poor Lydia hasn't been able to keep anything down. She slept till past 10:30 this morning, and has now been napping for awhile already. But while she's awake, she does her best to maintain a cheerful attitude. I sure do love that spunky little girl. And I hope this doesn't mean that tomorrow I'll have 4 kids throwing up everywhere...

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