Thursday, February 20, 2014

113th Passage

David's done it again! He made his second iOS app, and it's been a great success!
We take no shame in admitting that the idea was taken from the insanely popular flappy bird. Why not ride on it's shirt tails, if you can?
He called it Bouncy Boo. Catchy, no?
And it's cute! Here's the Boo's he created. The one on the market currently is the middle boo. He's making some updates though, and the new Boo design is among them. We're still waiting for it's approval though.
The first few days after it's release we kept getting astounded at the number of downloads and revenue.
This is a screenshot from my phone on, I believe, the first or second day after it's release.
My brother is unashamed. He isn't that high on the leaderboards anymore, and there are a lot more than 6,000 players now.
One exciting thing to see was it's ranking in the app store. Out of all the free games in the whole app store, Bouncy Boo was ranked at #115!
It has since, unfortunately, gone down in rank.
We would love to see people make a funny vine video of it or something. It could really help us out. It would be nice to pay off all the hospital bills from when we had Allison, with the help of income from Bouncy Boo.

David's so talented. In like, EVERYTHING! Seriously.

Coming soon is Jet Pack Boo! Look for it on an iOS device near you.

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