Friday, January 16, 2015

151st Passage

Lydia's birthday is Sept. 2nd. Every month we have a get together with my family usually during the first weekend of the month. During this get together we celebrate all the birthday's that will be had that month. It's a big family, so only January and April don't have birthdays. Mom always makes the favorite foods of all the birthday participants that month and children provide the cakes.
David wanted to try a fondant cake. So he did it. And when David does something it is always professional grade when it's finished.
He started by making the fondant out of marshmallows and powdered sugar, mostly.

Then he separated it and added dye.He rolled it out and carefully applied it to the cake. (I made the cake! See, I contributed!)

Cutting the ribbon...
Making the number 4...

Then we got measuring spoons and used them as cookie cutters to make little circles.
And voila! The finished product! Doesn't it look great?

So this is the cake we brought to the family celebration.
Here are some pictures of Lydia opening a gift from Grandma and Grandpa.
Here is a video. I want you to notice Chris in the background trying to photo bomb, not realizing I was filming. Also notice how adorable Lydia is. Her expressions are so cute.

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