Wednesday, August 6, 2014

134th Passage

The baseball post. I've been dreading this one because it will take so much time, especially with getting video's to a point that they can be uploaded onto blogger from an apple device.

Morgan and William got to play machine pitch baseball this year, and Owen did tball. We never started the older boys before this year, so they still needed to learn the basics. Let me tell you, those two couldn't throw or catch to save their lives. Batting wasn't any better. But by the end of the year William was catching almost all the throws given him, they were both throwing WAY better than when they started, and the last game Morgan hit the ball both times he was up to bat. He even got to run home, which was a first for him. I really enjoyed watching their games. Their team was the best of all the teams and they only lost one game.

William is number 5 and Morgan is number 6.

Their team did a fun thing where after every game one of the players got a game ball signed by all of the other players. If they had an especially good game, they got the ball. Morgan got it after he had his first hit during a game, and William got it I think for getting a couple hits one game.

Here are clips of some of their hits.

This last one is of Morgan running home. William never got to run home because someone usually got the third out while he was on base.

The team had a pizza party and award ceremony. The coaches said William was most improved.

I can't really remember what was said of Morgan! It was mentioned though that he finished out strong with 2 for 2 hits in his last game.

Now on to Owen. He was in t-ball, and Owen is naturally pretty athletic. He started the year throwing better than Morgan and William. He's got a good arm. But he's also really spacey and cared more about playing in the dirt than he did about playing baseball. He liked hitting the ball off the tee, and hit it really well, but after that, he just messed around. Sometimes he would walk the base instead of run to protest the fact that he didn't like how his helmet fit. He was also known to play keep-away with the ball from his own teammates when the game was in play. Oy vey, child. Hopefully next year he will try harder. If he does he could be a fantastic addition to his team. 

Here's the video of Owen getting a nice hit, and then walking home.

He had a pizza party and an award ceremony too. 
It was an extremely busy June with a game and/or practice every weeknight. We were happy it was over, but it will be fun to do again next year. 

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