Wednesday, October 12, 2016

2015 Pinewood Derby

Shortyly after we moved into the new ward we had a pinewood derby for the boys! Their first. We didn't have a ton of time to make the cars, especially since we were so busy with moving things, so right until the moment we left the house the cars were being put together. 
Here they are in the car modeling their derby cars. Morgan's is clearly the bullet from mario kart. William said his was the bat mobile, but he gave it lots of colors too, rather than just black. 
 To give Morgans car the right weight David super glued some big washers to the back of it. Pretty clever. At home it on our kitchen scale it fit in the weight requirements. When we got to the derby though it was too heavy! They had to pry the weights off, but too many came, so we ended up taping some coins to the top of it. That was disappointing. And the weight distribution was all messed up so his car almost always came in last place. Poor Morgan. He took it like a champ though.
 I guess I failed to get a good close up of William's car. His did really well though.

The boys are sitting waiting for their turns.
 Here are all the racers. William got third place! Woot!

They also got indiviual awards for their cars and a fun plaque to hold them on. Morgan's award was for Best Workmanship. 

 William got Best Use of Color. David and I got a chuckle out of that because it was supposed to be the bat mobile, which should be all black. Haha. 

They had fun and it was a well done derby.
During the race Allison fell backwards off one of the folding chairs. She fell through the hole that is at an adults lower back. She hit her head and did the whole pass out thing. Ugh! But, I think that may have been the last time she's ever passed out from crying or hitting her head! Yay! I'm happy to see that habit laid to rest.

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