Tuesday, February 16, 2016

153rd Passsage

After I called Alli a pretty girl, Lydia said: wait a minute, are me and Alli pretty?
Me: yep
Lydia: oh, well, I look prettier.

William: can I go to Jupiter's house?
Me: whose?
William: jupiter. I don't really remember his name.
Me: Jupiter is a planet.
William: fine, I'll just say, can I go to Billy's house?
(Billy is JARED's little brother)
Me: yes, but you should probably ask your friend what his name is so you don't do something like call him Jupiter.

Lydia: what day is tomorrow?
Me: Sunday
Lydia: Sunday was a few weeks ago!

Owen: Morgan, I dare you the next time we have fire I dare you to eat the fire.

Me: I'm so tired and energy lacking.
Lydia: well you can go night night when you're done. But first you gotta get me a piece of cake.

William was making a healthy meal plan thing for a Cub Scout requirement. He chose chicken for a main dish.
Me: what kind of chicken?
William: pork?
Me: CHICKEN. what kind of CHICKEN?
William: beef.
Me: William, what is chicken made from?
William: turkeys?

I bought Popsicles for the kids. Owen chose a yellow one.
Owen: this smells like banana; is it mustard?

Lydia looked over Morgan shoulder as he was looking at flash cards if bugs. She saw a praying mantis and said, "that's a hypocrite". Maybe she knows something about the mantis that I don't know.

Owen: my long fingernails meant everything to me.

Me: what is soil?
Owen: gray stuff that you can pretty much build anything out of.

David: say dada
Alli: dada
David: mama
Alli: mama
David: say grumpy old man
Alli: dada

Owen: can I have a donut now?
Me: yeah.
A few seconds later. Owen: can I have a donut now since you said "yeah"?

Me: put that gross thing down...
Lydia: no! It's not gross, it's my pet fly.

Today for school Owen was supposed to write a poem. He's been learning about it the past few days. Or has he?
This is his poem, titled "those".
Those tose nose lose those tose nose lose Those tose nose lose those tose nose lose Those tose nose lose those tose nose lose
And that's it.

Lydia: mommy, I love you.
Me: I love you.
Lydia: mommy, you're supposed to say "I love you TOO" when I say I love you. Let's try it again and when I say "I love you" you say "I love you too."
I love you.
Me: I love you, too.
Lydia: good job!

Today Allison handed Lydia a toy phone. Lydia put it to her ear and said, "bring me some candy, husband! Love you."

Me: do you guys know what daddy is doing?
Owen: last I saw he was fixing the bathroom ceiling.
Me: he's outside.
Owen: the bathroom ceiling is outside??
Me: ...no...

Lydia is playing with the play mobile nativity set. The shepherd is a zombie though and killed Mary, Joseph, and baby Jesus. Then he asked a wiseman, in a very creepy snake-like whisper, what he wanted for Christmas so he could write it down. The wiseman replied with "a lady bug, rolly-polly, and a moose!"
P.s. I do not condone the zombie massacre of the holy family.

I told Lydia that she's fired. She broke down in whiny tears and cried, "why am I fired?! I don't want to be fired all the days!!!"

Lydia, picking at her dinner: I'm full...but I won't be full if we have ice cream

Lydia: mommy, this time I peed standing up and I didn't even get my pants wet!

Alli likes to shake my tummy and say "baby wakey!" I hope this doesn't continue when the baby is born!

Me: oh man, I have bad breath.
Lydia: then you better brush your teeth! Or daddy will never want to smell you again! Or love you.

Me: why does it smell like poop?
Lydia: it doesn't. Anyways, kids don't smell what moms smells.

Lydia: is your middle name May?
Me: my middle name is Dawn.
Lydia: whose middle name is Dawn?
Me: mine...
Lydia: what?! You didn't say that!!

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