Tuesday, June 3, 2014

128th Passage

Owen and Lydia. Ah. Enemies. Friends. Don't really know what. They fight all the time, they play all the time, they don't like each other, but they're great friends.
One afternoon they were playing so well without fighting or tattling. Their common interest in bugs brought them together for the afternoon.
 They caught a bunch of slugs and stored them in the truck.

 Let's do a comparison. This is Owen at 5, a couple weeks ago, and then Owen at 3. His interests haven't changed much.
Owen and Lydia played with bugs together back then too! They look so much different in just two years!

 In this last picture Lydia is telling me about the giant spider she saw that was "this big!" Owen then said, "That's not even real, spiders don't get that big. Actually I've seen a bigger spider. A WAY bigger spider than that!"

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